HARDWARIO CHESTER is a highly configurable IoT LPWAN gateway. Its primary function is to connect as many devices and environments as possible to the Internet, especially from places where there is no standard connection to the power grid and the Internet.
This documentation helps users and gateway integrators to navigate these essential areas:
How to configure and manage the platform - see the chapter:
Platform ManagementWhat are the main parts and parameters of the CHESTER platform - see the chapter:
Hardware DescriptionWhat are the platform's powering options - see the chapter:
Power ManagementWhich sensors and environments can be connected to the platform and how - see the chapter:
Extension ModulesWhat ready-made firmware applications are available (with devices in stock) - see the chapter:
Catalog ApplicationsFor the options to upload device firmware - see the chapter:
Firmware FlashingHow to create or modify firmware application - see the chapter:
Firmware SDKOn tool ecosystem for platform developers - see the chapter:
Developer Tools
For a complete reference on the product ordering codes - see the chapter:
Ordering CodesTo see the complete reference of the product certification - see the chapter:
Product Certification